Past Exhibitions

Art is the Process

May 3 - July 27

“Art is the Process” is an exploration of the interconnectivity between art, design, and technology, presenting a unique opportunity for visitors to engage with the often unseen processes that create and define the world around us. Morton Street Partners is proud to present this innovative exhibition featuring Greg Anagnostopoulos, Daniel Arsham, and invited guests, as they dismantle and reassemble a 1987 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2.

Winter Surf

December 15 — January 28
Presented in Collaboration with Meyers Manx

“Winter Surf” is an immersive exhibition designed to explore the inventive spirit of mid-twentieth century vehicle design. The show includes iconic dune-buggies, off-road prototypes, and Steve McQueen's Meyers Manx from Thomas Crown Affair. We invite viewers to consider the innovation, craftsmanship, and risk-taking of the engineers who built them, and consider the European influences and American ingenuity that drove them.

4 automobiles: Conservation of Speed

September 19 - September 28, 2022

Morton Street Partners in collaboration with Broad Arrow Auctions

The collection of Jim Taylor, a group of more than 120 motor cars, represents one of the finest assemblages of European, British, and American automobiles in private hands. The four selected for this show were chosen from Mr. Taylor’s collection as exemplary specimens of design, originality, and performance–three qualities that have informed Mr. Taylor’s collecting ethos from the outset. Spanning 70 years of automotive history, these four automobiles tell a story of not only mechanical and aesthetic evolution, but also of the growing importance of stewardship in the world of collectible automobiles. Cars may rightly be regarded as objects of great visual beauty, but to separate them from the history of their development and use is to observe only one corner of a great oil painting. This show seeks to celebrate the automobile in its entirety. We encourage visitors to observe not only their shapes and forms, but also the stunning fact of their originality and capability, with each prepared to be put to the road at speed as they were designed.  

Cristian Chironi Manhattan Stop

May 25 - August 13, 2022

Morton St. Partners in collaboration with Magazzino Italian Art.

Cristian Chironi is a multidisciplinary artist focused on site-specific activations and installations, with an eye toward intriguing environmental and human themes. Inspired by the close, collaborative friendship between fellow Sardinian Costantino Nivola and Le Corbusier, Chironi’s project Drive is an interdisciplinary, itinerant, and site-specific series combining architecture, urbanism, design, sonic art, and social relations. Featuring an important car in Nivola’s life, the Fiat 127 Special “Chameleon”, Chironi travels the world accompanied by copilots and passengers from various backgrounds, all invited to play active roles in the work. In the process, he creates a shared space within the car’s interior, recording each story and weaving them into a video travel diary. For New York Drive, Chironi and the Fiat toured multiple sites throughout New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley, inspiring a new series of visual works. With New York Drive’s final destination Manhattan Stop here at Morton Street Partners, Chironi investigates and reflects on the emotional experience of the Fiat as a literal and figurative vehicle, exploring urban and rural landscapes, telling collective and personal stories. 

Special thanks to the Anna and Francesco Tampieri Collection and Fondation Le Corbusier

Unsafe at Any Speed

March 15 - May 8

Kenny Schachter is an artist, art writer, curator, and dealer, who presented 13 cars from his own collection at Design Miami/ Basel in 2017 and who sold both art and cars from his collection at Sotheby’s in the two-part auction Hoarders (2019–20).

Unsafe at Any Speed curated by Kenny Schachter featured works by Zaha Hadid, Rebecca Ackroyd, Eva Beresin, Szabolcs Bozo, Ry David Bradley, Jake Chapman, Hester Finch, Ruan Hoffmann, Bree Jonson, Tamo Jugeli, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Tom Rees, Ilona Rich, Adrian Schachter, Sage Schachter, and Brittany Tucker.




Kevin Abosch 

Mikako Arai

Anna Benaroya

Eva Beresin 

Ry David Bradley

Scarlett Carlos Clarke

Jake Chapman

Brian DeGraw

Rosemary DeMarco

Devon Dikeou

Nicole Eisenman

Hester Finch

Zaha Hadid

Sam Harris

Ruan Hoffmann

Vassilis Hlibatsos

Mil Imeraj

Hassan Issah

Bree Jonson

Tamo Jugeli

Lans King

Gosha Levochkin

David Lindert

Eugenie Livanos

Jonas Lund

Malerie Marder

Tom Rees

Ilona Rich

Lucrecia Roa

Adrian Schachter

Kenny Schachter

Sage Schachter

Clintel Steed

Abir Tabarah

Brittany Tucker

Tim Noble &

Sue Webster





Kevin Abosch 

Mikako Arai

Anna Benaroya

Eva Beresin 

Ry David Bradley

Scarlett Carlos Clarke

Jake Chapman

Brian DeGraw

Rosemary DeMarco

Devon Dikeou

Nicole Eisenman

Hester Finch

Zaha Hadid

Sam Harris

Ruan Hoffmann

Vassilis Hlibatsos

Mil Imeraj

Hassan Issah

Bree Jonson

Tamo Jugeli

Lans King

Gosha Levochkin

David Lindert

Eugenie Livanos

Jonas Lund

Malerie Marder

Tim Noble

Tom Rees

Ilona Rich

Lucrecia Roa

Adrian Schachter

Kenny Schachter

Sage Schachter

Clintel Steed

Abir Tabarah

Brittany Tucker

Tim Noble & Sue Webster